Knoxville Philatelic Society
P.O. Box 50422
Knoxville, Tennessee 37950
APS Chapter # 1189
Coming to you from Knoxville, Tennessee
Site last updated 9-8-2024
Country Music
KnoxPEx 2022 Show Cachet and Cancellation Covers
Order Instructions
Cost per cover is $3.00 or 4 different for $10.00. Add $1.00 for USPS mailing of 1-2 covers and $2.00 for 4 different covers. Make checks payable to the Knoxville Philatelic Society
Do NOT send a SASE with your order. Include your name, mailing address and phone number and/or email address (in case there is a question) with order. Your cover(s) will be protected for mailing in a separately addressed envelope. If you request a particular stamped cover we will TRY to honor your request but supply will be the determining fact in filling your request.
Mail your order and payment to:
Knoxville Philatelic Society
P.O. Box 50422
Knoxville, TN 37950-0422